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What Are Differences Between Dry Copper Granulator Machine And Wet Copper Granulator Machine?

In the field of waste copper wire and cable recycling, dry copper granulator machine and wet copper granulator machine are two common processing equipment. They each have unique working principles and applications, which can meet the processing needs of different customers. This article will explain the differences between dry copper granulator machine and wet copper granulator machine.

Dry Copper Granulator Machine VS Wet Copper Granulator Machine

1. Different working principles

Dry copper granulator machine mainly separates copper and plastic in waste copper wires and cables through physical methods such as crushing, screening and airflow sorting. The entire processing process does not require water, so it is called dry processing. The wet copper granulator machine uses crushing, water selection and dehydration steps to separate copper and plastic through the buoyancy of water. During the water selection process, copper particles sink to the bottom due to their high density, while plastic floats on the water surface, thereby separating the two.

2. Different environmental performance

Dry copper granulator machine does not require water during the processing process, so it will not produce wastewater pollution. At the same time, it adopts a closed structure, which can reduce dust leakage and cause less pollution to the environment. Although the wet copper granulator machine can achieve a higher separation effect, a large amount of wastewater will be generated during the treatment process, which needs to be treated before discharge, and the environmental protection cost is relatively high.

3. Different applications

The dry copper granulator machine is suitable for processing various specifications and types of waste copper wires and cables, especially those containing more impurities. Its treatment effect is stable and can meet the needs of most users. The wet copper granulator machine is more suitable for processing relatively pure wires and cables, such as communication cables, power cables, etc. Because the water selection process is easily disturbed by impurities, the wet copper granulator machine may not be effective when processing cables with more impurities.

Uses of dry copper granulator machine:

The dry copper granulator machine is widely used in the field of waste copper wire and cable recycling. Its fast and environmentally friendly characteristics make it the mainstream equipment on the market. Through the treatment of the dry copper granulator machine, the copper and plastic in the waste copper wires and cables can be separated, copper can be recycled as a rare resource, and plastic can be used to produce other plastic products to achieve resource recycling.

recycle copper by copper granulator

Uses of wet copper granulator machine:

Wet copper granulator machine is mainly used to process some specific types of waste wires and cables, such as communication cables, power cables, etc. Its higher separation effect allows the copper and plastic in these cables to be separated better, thereby improving the recycling rate. But the water selection process is easily disturbed by impurities, so the wet copper granulator machine may not be effective when processing cables with more impurities.

There are obvious differences between dry copper granulator machine and wet copper granulator machine in terms of working principle, environmental performance and application. When choosing copper wire recycling equipment, you should make comprehensive considerations based on your own needs and actual conditions and choose the processing equipment that suits you.

If you have any questions and interests about copper wire recycling, feel free to contact us. We are professional and leading recycling equipment manufacture and pleased to solve your problem.